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The Intelligent Surgery Blog

preoperative planning for spine surgery

How to Manage Growing Patient Frailty Issues in Spine Surgery without Enough Time

Spine surgeons today face a much larger surgical burden than ever before. Case complexity and volume of surgeries are on the rise. Meanwhile, a changing healthcare system is rapidly reducing the amount of time available for surgeons to address these issues. Surgeons are expected to increase the number of surgeries they perform. This growing pressure may shorten the time available for preoperative planning.

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NASS Annual Meeting 2021 in Boston, MA

Your Complete Guide to NASS Annual Meeting 2021

With in-person events being canceled or postponed for a year, the Enhatch team is SO excited to be attending the North American Spine Society (NASS) 36th Annual Meeting. This year’s conference will be in the vibrant, bustling city of Boston at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center

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Augmented Reality for spine surgery

Technologies transforming education in spine surgery

Being a spine surgeon requires the dedication, training, and focus of a professional athlete with significantly more at stake – patients’ lives. Spine surgery can be complex, and patient and surgeon training is a continuous learning process. Even experienced spine surgeons are constantly measuring, monitoring, and analyzing the results of each case and looking for ways to improve how they operate and educate. 

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Future of Spine Surgery

The Future of Spine Surgery: More Intelligent Outpatient Procedures

Spine surgeons across the United States are wondering how to manage their practice and caseloads amid lowered reimbursements. Even before the pandemic, the world of spine surgeries had been experiencing some seismic shifts, including:

  1. Payment models evolving from the traditional fee-for-service, 
  2. Growing patient demand for Minimally Invasive Surgeries (MIS), 
  3. Rising expectations from patients for outpatient procedures that allow them to return to their daily lives faster. 

COVID-19 accelerated these trends.

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Intelligent Surgery Ecosystem: Future of Surgery

Enhatch, a leading developer of software as a service (SaaS) for the medical device industry, is launching a new era in digital surgery: The Intelligent Surgery Ecosystem. Intelligent surgery will elevate patient care to new heights and redefine the industry.

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Henry Ford

Reducing Orthopedic Burnout with AI: How Henry Ford Can Help

Henry Ford is associated with intelligence, but not artificial intelligence (AI). After all, AI was born a year before his death. However, in his heyday, Ford went against popular opinion and introduced innovative ways to reduce employee burnout in his factories. This type of disruptive innovation is what AI can bring right now to help heal the U.S. healthcare system, including the field of Orthopedics. 

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